Berlin, November 6, 2016
Eight month before the G20 – Summit in Hamburg, clandestine connections carry out their attacks against the current order in whole Europe every night. Mostly without knowing each other, our fires find similar targets in the hotspots of anarchist subversion, which are placed over the state-owned construct of the European Fortress. Often in a local frame of reference and too rare with the perspective of an international sabotage against the instruments of dominion.
So is the net of people, aggressive and poised to attack, allways on the search for opportunitys to direct the attacks to a common focus. We should have more courage to arrange to meet us, to travel in order to find places were we get in exchange of ideas and multiply our related experiences. But we want to conduct actions as well in the places where we live, which build relations above the local and specific context, which ignore temporary borders and get incalculable with it.
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